One of the main advantages of life insurance is that the payment is made to beneficiaries without tax. Because life insurance benefits can be in millions of dollars, this is a significant advantage when buying (and receiving) life insurance. Are life insurance policies taxable?
Net interest income
Income in the form of interest is almost always taxable. Life insurance is no exception. This means that when a beneficiary receives receipts from life insurance after a period of accumulation of interest, and not immediately after the death of the policyholder, the beneficiary must pay taxes, not on the whole benefit, but on interest. If the death grant is, for example, USD 500,000, but earns 10% interest one year before payment, the beneficiary will be required to pay taxes on the USD 50,000 increase.
How death benefits for life insurance can be taxed
One of the benefits of having life insurance is the ability to generate a large sum of money to pay to your heirs after death. Even more advantage is the federal income tax exemption, which life insurance profits receive when they are paid to the beneficiary. However, these receipts are tax-free income, but may still be included in taxable property for the purposes of property tax.
Section 2042 of the Internal Tax Code states that the value of the proceeds from the life insurance of your life insurers is included in your gross assets, if the proceeds are payable: (1) to your property, directly or indirectly, or (2) to the indicated beneficiaries, if: he had all the property in the policy at the time of death.

You took out a policy loan and life insurance expires
If you have a cash policy and you take out a loan, the loan is not taxable as long as the policy applies. But if your policy expires, you can get a tax bill before you pay off the loan. For example, if you cancel or the policy expires, your protection expires.
The tax base is the loan amount that exceeds the policy base. Remember that the basis of the policy is the part you paid as premiums. The “above base” amounts are based on interest or investment returns on cash value.
One way to gain access to all cash and avoid taxes is to withdraw the underlying amount – it’s not taxable. Then get access to the rest of your cash value with a loan – also non-taxable.
Cancellation of the policy may result in a taxable profit
If you opt out of a cash life insurance policy, any gains on the policy will be subject to federal (and possibly state) income tax. Profit from the redemption of a monetary value policy is the difference between the gross cash value paid out (plus any outstanding loans) and the basis in the policy. The basis are total contributions paid in cash, reduced by all dividends from policies and tax-free payments.